Tiberium Essence Wiki

Mutant Mercenary Outpost is a tech production structure, often affiliated with the Forgotten. Commanders can capture the structure and train various mutant forces to fight for them.

Tiberium Essence[]

A heavily modified G-330X habitat module, Mutant Mercenary Outpost is essentially a combination of the two other Forgotten production structures: Mutant Hovel and Mutant Garage, as the Outpost allows the owner to both train infantry and assemble vehicles. These are the most commonly seen Mutant structures.


  • In the World Builder, this structure is called MutantHovel_MP
  • There's a glitch in Tiberium Essence 1.6 Beta, as the Mutant Mercenary Outpost in GDI Mission "Assault on Temple Prime" cannot be captured by an engineer, thus rendering one of the optional objectives "Capture the Mutant Mercenary Outpost (Mutant Hovel)" impossible to be accomplished
  • On vanilla skirmish maps, Mutant Mercenary Outposts appear as Mutant Hovels when covered by the fog of war.

